News & Events


2017 July 17-19 Importance of Binder Strength on Low Temperature Cracking

Summary of Presentation made at 54th Petersen Asphalt Research Conference






Factors affecting binder strength at low temperature

  • Polymer and other binder modification
  • Physical hardening
  • Cooling (or loading) rate
  • Oxidative aging

For slides of full presentation, Click Here


2011 April 18:

ABCD test method is adopted as AASHTO TP 92 and will be published in 2011 edition of AASHTO Standards!


2010 September 17:

Highways for LIFE Technology Partnership Program for ABCD completed. (Final Report) Thirty one laboratories volunteered for the ABCD ILS.  Following manufacturing and testing, ABCD units were delivered to the first five participating laboratories.  As a laboratory finished the ILS testing, the unit was repacked and shipped to the next waiting laboratory.

The standard deviation of the ABCD cracking temperature, the strain jump, and the fracture strength for single operator ABCD tests were 0.95°C, 5.48 µε, and 0.86 MPa, respectively.  The standard deviation of the ABCD cracking temperature, the strain jump, and fracture strength for multilaboratory ABCD test were 1.36°C, 7.21 µε, and 1.13 MPa, respectively.  No-Trim ABCD test procedure was developed and presented in this report. 


Transportation Research Board

01.11.09 - 01.13.09

EZ Asphalt attended the Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. on January 11-13, 2009.

As one of three invited presentations at the AFK-20 Characteristics of Bituminous Materials committee meeting Tuesday morning, Dr. Kim presented the results of EZ Asphalt's ruggedness testing of the ABCD.

The session was attended by approximately 30 committee members and about 60 other attendees. Information about the ABCD was displayed at the FHWA Highways for Life booth in the TRB exhibit hall.

Photo of Dr. Sang-Soo Kim and Dr. Ken Edwards